Swancon Draft Program Released
(22:02 on Mar 05, 2017 , last updated at: 22:08 on Mar 05, 2017)
Plus Call For Panellists and Items
Yes! It's true! We have a ["DRAFT PROGRAM"::https://sites.grenadine.co/sites/swancon/en/swancon2017/schedule] !!! Please go check it out ["here!":https://sites.grenadine.co/sites/swancon/en/swancon2017/schedule]
You can view it in List, Tile or Grid format.
Grid is great to get a "whole day" picture.
List format will show you who is on each panel item.
You may notice there are still a few gaps - we would love for your to send more program items to our great programming team at ["programmer@swancon.com.au":mailto:programmer@swancon.com.au]
Some panels are also in need of extra Panellists - so if you see anything that interests you, please email Michael and Damian and let them know!